Saturday 3 September 2016

Computer Application #2 Fundamentals Of The World Wide Web And Internet

The Internet
  • The Internet is a worldwide collection of networks that links millions of businesses, government agencies, educational institutions, and individuals.
Evolution of the Internet
  • The Internet originated as ARPANET in September 1969 and  had two main goals:
  1. Allow scientists at different physical locations to share information and work together.
  2. Function even if part of the network were disabled or destroyed by a disaster.
1969 - ARPANET becomes functional.
1984 - ARPANET has more than 1000 individual computers linked as hosts.
1986 - NSF connects to ARPANET and becomes known as the internet.
1995 - NSFNet terminates its network on the internet and resumes status as research network.
1996 - Internet2 was founded.
Today - More than 550 million hosts connect to the internet.
  • Each organization is responsible only for maintaining its own network.
  • Inetrnet2 connects more than 220 universities and 115 companies via a high-speed private network.
  • Many home and small business users connect to the internet via high-speed broadband Internet service.
  • An access provider is business that provides individuals and organization access to the internet free or a fee.
  • An IP address is a number that uniquely identifies each computer or device connected to the internet.
  • A domain name is the text version of an IP address or known as top-level domain (TDL).
  • A DNS server translates the domain name into its associated IP address.
 The World Wide Web
  • The World Wide Web. or Web, consists of a worldwide collection of electronic documents(Web Pages)
  • A Web site is a collection of related Web pages and associated items.
  • A Web server is a computer that delivers requested Web pages to your computer.
  • Web 2.0 refers to Web sites that provide a means for users to interact. 
  • A Web browser, or browsers allows users to access Web pages and Web 2.0 programs such as:
  1. Internet Explorer
  2. Firefox
  3. Opera
  4. Safari
  5. Google Chrome
  • A home page is the first page that a Web site displays.
  • Web pages provides link to other related Web pages.
  • Downloading is the process of receiving information.
  • Each Web page has a unique address called a URL or Web Address.
  • Tabbed browsing allows you to open and view multiple Web pages in a single Web browser window 
  • There are two types of search tools that are search engines and subject directories.
  1. Search Engine - Finds information related to a specific topic.
  2. Subject Directory - Classified Web pages in an organized set of categories.
  • A search engine is helpful in locating items such as : 
  1. Images
  2. Videos
  3. Audio
  4. Publications
  5. Maps
  6. People or Businesses
  7. Blogs
  • Some Web browsers contain an Instant Search box to eliminate the steps os displaying the search engine's Web page prior to entering the search text.
  • There are 13 types of Web site : 
  1. Portal
  2. News 
  3. Informational
  4. Business/Marketing
  5. Blog
  6. Wiki
  7. Online Social Network
  8. Educational
  9. Entertainment
  10. Advocacy
  11. Web Application
  12. Content Aggregator
  13. Personal
  • Multimedia refers to any application that combines text with : 
  1. Graphics
  2. Animation
  3. Audio
  4. Video
  5. Virtual Reality
  • A graphic is a digital representation of non-text information.
  • Graphic formats include BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, and TIFF.
  • A thumbnail is a small version of a larger graphic.
  • Animation is the appearance of motion created by displaying a series of still images in sequence.
  • Audio includes music, speech, or any other sound.
  • You listen to audio on your computer using a  player.
  • Streaming is the process of transferring data in a continuous and even flow.
  • Video consists of images displayed in motion.
  • Virtual Reality (VR) is the use of computers to simulate a real or imagined environment that appears as a three-dimensional space.
  • A plug-in is a program that extends the capability of a Web browser.
  • Web publishing is the development and maintain of Web pages.
E - Commerce
  • E-commerce is a business transaction that occurs over an electronic network.
Other Internet Services
  • E-mail is the transmission of messages and files via a computer network.
  • An e-mail program allows you to create send, receive, forward, store, print, and delete, e-mail messages.
  • A mailing list is a group of e-mail names and address given a single name.
  • Instant messaging(IM) is a real-time Internet communications service.
  • A chat is a real-time typed conversation that takes place on a computer.
  • A chat room is a location on an internet server that permits users to chat with each other.
  • VoIP(Voice over IP) enables users to speak to other users over the Internet.
  • A newsgroup is an online are which users have written discussions about a particular subject.
  • A message board is a Web-based type of discussion group.
  • FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is an Internet standard that permits file uploading and downloading with other computers on the internet.
  • Many operating systems include FTP capabilities.
  • An FTP server is a computer that allows users to upload and/or download files using FTP.
  • Netiquette is the code of acceptable Internet behavior

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